Community School Information:

Greetings Community School families and welcome to the 2024-2025 school year! 

School will begin each day at 8:40am and dismiss as 3:10pm, except for Wednesdays, when we will dismiss at 1:40pm. School begins promptly at 8:40am. Students will line up at the front of the school beginning at 8:35am and will be met by their teachers. No arrivals before 8:30am, please, as there is no supervision before that time. If you arrive late, please go to the school’s main doors and ring the bell. Dismissal will be car pick-up at curb in front of school, except for Friday afternoons (see below). If you and your child wish to go to the playground after you have picked them up, please park your car in the north parking lot.

LUNCH: Students may bring lunch from home or purchase lunch in the Lyceum. Please refer to the district website for lunch menus and information about setting up a lunch account for your child. Students will not have access to a microwave at school. *Please note, Friday, September 6th is the first day students eat lunch at school. 

TRANSPORTATION: We do not have bus service. Carpooling is encouraged!  


ON-SITE PARKING: Rolling drop-off and pick-up are offered every day except for Friday afternoons. On Friday afternoons students will be dismissed onto the blacktop playground - parents will need to park and meet their child there. Parents and carpool drivers that wish to park and pick up their child should park in the north parking lot, located just past our building with the entrance on 111th. In accordance with our agreement with the city of Kirkland, parents do not park, drop off, or pick up students on the perimeter streets. 

SCHOOL CLOTHES: Please do not send your child to school in flip-flop type sandals as they make it difficult to play soccer, capture the flag, etc. Thanks for your help with this! Also, parents, please label all coats, sweaters, jackets, lunch boxes, water bottles, etc., with your child's name. 

VOLUNTEERS: We urge you to begin thinking about your volunteer time for this school year. All volunteers must go through a background check and be approved by the district, if you have not done so, please do this task asap.

SNACKS & WATER BOTTLES: Please have your child bring a water bottle and a light snack to have at morning break. No candy, please! Please keep in mind we do have some children allergic to peanuts and nuts. Please communicate to your child not to share snacks or lunches. Snack suggestions: Fruits, veggies, crackers, cheese sticks, healthy granola bars, etc.

HEALTH AND SAFETY: “Too Sick for School” Information from LWSD: One of the best ways to avoid community transmission of COVID-19, and other infectious illness, is to stay home when you are sick. Students and school employees who have symptoms of infectious illness, such as influenza (flu) or COVID-19 should stay home and seek medical evaluation, which may include testing for COVID-19 and other respiratory infections. Please see the LWSD website for updates.   

IMMUNIZATION RECORDS: If you are new to Community School and your child did not attend a LWSD kindergarten last year, please bring a copy of your child's immunization records with you on the first day of school if you have not already done so.

MEDICATIONS AT SCHOOL: If your student has a health condition that will require medications to be given at school, you’ll need to provide a complete form for each medication. All authorization forms need to be signed by the health care provider and marked as valid for the 2024-25 school year. The exact forms you need will depend on the type of medication. All district health forms can be found on the LWSD website or you can stop by the school to pick up a form.  


According to Washington State law, RCW 28A.210.320, the attendance of every child shall be conditioned upon the presentation before or on each child's first day of attendance at school of a medication or treatment order addressing any life-threatening health condition that the child has that may require medical services to be performed at the school. Once such an order has been presented, the child shall be allowed to attend school. This includes having an individual health plan in place by the child’s first day of school. Building principals will be contacting families that do not have the required items. 


Self-Carry Emergency medications – student's HCP must check “yes” on the Medication Administration Authorization to approve a student to self-carry. Please note: Parents are responsible for confirming their student has their self-carry medication every day at school, and that the medication is NOT expired. Students are not permitted to drop-off medications. For safety reasons, all medication must be brought to school by the parent/guardian before the first day of school. All health paperwork and medications must be submitted to the school health room PRIOR TO the first day of school. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact our school nurse, Shirly Mittelman at


Thank you in advance for your cooperation and helping your student's first day of school go as smooth as possible. 


Veronique, Maddie, Marissa, Deb & Jean 

Jacob Hendrickson, Principal & Mike O'Donnell, Associate Principal